The Love Hate Circus With Yoga

5 Hacks to Lose Weight Easily

Weight loss depends on different factors for each person and it is best to customize the weight loss plan according to each individual. However, there are a few general principles that can help you to lose weight. There may be different reasons why you have gained weight or that you are not losing weight. But there is a common path which most of the people can follow. Here are the 5 hacks

1. Create A Nutritional Plan Which You Enjoy Eating

Make a list of food items you enjoy eating the most. Now it is time to create a nutritional plan which can include everything you enjoy, keeping in mind that it does not exceed the calories planned daily for the weight loss. Also, the guidelines for macro should be followed to keep away the deficiency. The key here is that if this plan is something you enjoy then you are more likely to stick to this other than some fad diets and its only a matter of time before you are in the best shape of your life. No matter how complicated it may sound, there are always food items that are healthy and that you will enjoy.

2. Keep Track of your Nutrition.

There is a saying that You can't outwork a bad diet and it cannot be farther than the truth. In a nutshell calorie deficit of  3500 calories will make you lose a pound. Approximately it'll take 35 miles for losing a pound.  Noting down what you ate has a magical power over controlling what you eat. This can be easier by using apps like Myfitnesspal, it will take just 10 mins a day max to log everything and you can easily start losing weight.

3. Sleep Well

Getting a good night 8-hour sleep can reduce your cortisol levels and will reduce the chances that you gain less weight in the future. This is a critical step because even if you do everything right except this you can be disappointed with the weight loss. If you sleep well and are charged every day there is more probability that you will stick to your plan of losing weight

4. Stay Hydrated 

Staying hydrated keeps you satiated, most of the time people mistake thirst for hunger and end up eating more. Hydration will ensure that you don't gorge on all the unwanted excess calories and it also keeps your energy levels high so that you are much better in general

5. Keep Moving

It will be surprised that how many calories can be burnt by walking. just simply aim for a phone call with your friends and family and keep walking while talking you won't even realize that you are working out. Over some time, you'll be surprised how many calories you have burnt. 25 minutes of slow walking can burn approx 100 calories


These are the most basic steps towards losing weight easily and surely. Try to weigh and measure yourself weekly and never to get disheartened when the result is not visible at times. What matters is how much you lose over a longer period and to keep it off always

All the views here are personal. Consult your physician before starting any kind of weight loss program.
